
Accelerating Climate Efforts and Investments (ACE) project supports the objectives of the LIFE program by strengthening capacities, encouraging investments, developing, demonstrating, and promoting innovative climate change mitigation solutions, participating in the creation of a knowledge base, and disseminating and applying best practices. The project’s most significant positive environmental impacts result from the ACE LIFE consortium’s low-carbon investments, which target low-emission logistics and machinery, electrification of industrial processes, and the development of plant-based protein and peat production value chains.

The tender processes carried out within the ACE LIFE project adhere to the principles of fairness, transparency, and equality. Thanks to a non-discriminatory approach, bids are evaluated based on their merits and their alignment with the stated requirements.

This page will announce the project’s upcoming, ongoing, and past procurements.

Investments and purchases above 10 000 eur

Suomen ympäristökeskus (Syke)  

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Costs of organising project events (venue and catering) 60 000  Ongoing
Project promotion materials 15 000 Ongoing
Translation and language checking of project materials 30 000 Ongoing
Audit of cost statements for all beneficiaries with budget over audit limit 30 000 Upcoming
Graphic and visual design and products 20 000 Ongoing
Cases: concept and production 100 000 Upcoming
Capacity building meetings 15 000 Upcoming
Transition arena tools and materials 10 000 Upcoming
Capacity building platform  10 000 Upcoming
Data purchasing 10 000 Upcoming

Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke) 

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Organising project events (venue and catering) 60 000  Upcoming
Project promotion materials 27 000 Upcoming
Dams and other items for rewetting 177 583 Upcoming
Service for making rewetting plans, services for the greenhouses 41 000 Upcoming
Services for digestion studies 10 000 Upcoming

Lappeenrannan-Lahden Teknillinen Yliopisto (LUT)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Open access publication costs 10 000 Upcoming

Itä-Suomen yliopisto (UEF)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Costs of organising project events 28 000 Upcoming
Publication costs 10 500 Upcoming

Oyj Ahola Transport Abp (Ahola) 

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
HUB area planning 25 000 Upcoming
Heavy transport fast charger 150 000 Upcoming
Heavy transport maintaining charger 50 000 Upcoming
Cables and transformers 390 000 Upcoming
Pilot electric truck 270 000 Completed
Pilot biogas long-haul truck 150 000 Upcoming
HUB Infra arrangement  60 000 Upcoming
Communication material: promo video 11 250 Upcoming
Promotion events and material 15 000 Upcoming
Training services for operational staff 10 000 Upcoming
Electricity supply connection and electrical capacity allocation 145 000 Upcoming
Installations of chargers, transformers, piping etc. 40 000 Upcoming

Linkosuon Leipomo Oy (Linkosuo)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Technical design expertise to define implementation and integration details of the equipment 50 000 Upcoming
Investment to replace oil and natural gas with electricity in the food production process 618 000 Upcoming

Kajaanin Romu Oy (KR)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Electric-powered excavator for material handling in scrap yard 307 008 Completed
Communication and project management 49 000 Ongoing
Emission and energy consumption metering, result verification etc. 17 900 Upcoming

Kiteen Mato ja Multa Oy (KMM)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Spare parts for grinding machine diesel replacement with electric/clean gas/hybrid devices 10 000 Upcoming
Packaging line 100 000 Upcoming
Machine parts (electric control board) 30 000 Upcoming
Renting material cutting machinery (150 ha) 150 000 Upcoming
Covering extra processing costs 30 000 Upcoming
Raw material (reed biomass for growing media) 80 000 Upcoming
Material transport costs 35 000 Upcoming
Storage renting costs 25 000 Upcoming
Laboratory service 20 000 Upcoming

Plugit Finland Oy (Plugit)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Specification and planning of the low-emissions energy ecosystem 50 000 Upcoming
Energy Storage, BMS and related prototyping procurement 290 000 Upcoming
V2G (Vehicle to Grid) specific hardware & components 60 000 Upcoming
Project reporting, publishing and media distribution 10 000 Upcoming
Structural and electrical engineering task costs for pilot systems 100 000 Upcoming

Metsäliitto Osuuskunta (Metsä Group)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Electric charging infrastructure design and planning 50 000 Upcoming
Transparent real time reporting of CO2 emissions (ICT modifications) 50 000 Upcoming
eLearning for transporters 20 000 Upcoming
Piloting non-fossil power options in terminals, transport services and in forestry machines 100 000 Upcoming
High-capacity electric charging stations and installation 300 000 Upcoming

Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto (Traficom)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Supporting studies and reports, e.g. hydrogen economy and possible technical testing 100 000 Completed
Costs of organising events, webinars and podcasts 50 000 Upcoming
Newsletters, videos and animations 10 000 Upcoming

Maailman Luonnon Säätiö - World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Costs of organising stakeholder events 25 000 Upcoming
Production of campaign materials and tools on sustainable diets 60 000 Upcoming
Communication costs 102 800 Upcoming
Surveys on food behaviour 10 800 Upcoming

Stora Enso OYJ (Stora)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Piloting electric trucks 50 000 Upcoming
Piloting electric terminal machinery 50 000 Upcoming
External service providers for contractor trainings 50 000 Upcoming
External IT work, integrations to Stora Enso IT-systems from contractor applications 50 000 Upcoming
Costs of organising project events (venue and catering), training/info sessions 15 500 Upcoming
Project promotion materials 15 000 Upcoming

Elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskusten sekä työ- ja elinkeinotoimistojen kehittämis- ja hallintokeskus (KEHA)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Climate impact evaluation web tool 34 000 Upcoming
Costs of organising project events 11 000 Upcoming

Pohjaset Oy (Pohjaset)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Real-time emission reporting, IT system development 15 000 Upcoming

Pohjaset Logistics Oy (POHLOG)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Electric truck & trailer for roundwood 400 000 Upcoming
Installations and adjustments of truck and trailer 20 000 Upcoming


Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Purchasing electric forklifts to replace gas forklifts 130 000 Upcoming
Construction needed for electric forklift charging infrastructure on a nursery production site 70 000 Upcoming
Electric charging infrastructure for forklifts with solar power 120 000 Upcoming
Electric charging infrastructure for one of the UPM's mill site 120 000 Upcoming

Tuoretie Oy (Tuoretie)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Piloting electric and/or biogas services for food transportation - long haul transportation trucks (LBG) and yard operations in food factory (EV) 837 000 Completed
Dissemination events and materials 10 000 Upcoming

Tiina and Antti Herlin Foundation sr (TAH) 

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Costs of organising project events 22 000 Upcoming
Project promotion materials and publications 10 000 Upcoming

Metsäteho Oy (Metsäteho)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Costs of organising project events 20 000 Upcoming
Project promotion materials 15 000 Upcoming
Development and maintenance of web page and other dissemination material 20 000 Upcoming

Ministry of the Environment (MoE)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Renting of meeting/conference spaces 10 000 Upcoming

Toijala Works Oy (Toijala Works)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
EMC-tests and electrical approvals 20 000 Upcoming
Documentation (user manuals, spare part books etc) 15 000 Upcoming
Software design, machine controls 75 000 Upcoming
Hydraulic system design 50 000 Upcoming
Electrical design and consultation for driving system 15 000 Upcoming

Metsähallitus Metsätalous Oy (Metsähallitus)

Purchase or investment Sum (€) Status
Piloting electric and/or biogas services for forestry, harvesting and transporting; biogas car 60 000 Upcoming
Piloting electric and/or biogas services for forestry, harvesting and transporting; forestry and harvesting machinery 100 000 Upcoming


Published 2024-06-10 at 13:10, updated 2024-09-02 at 11:10
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